Sunday, September 27, 2009


picture: When we did help of local activity

Hi, this is Asae from EDC 1.

Yester day was my last day of internship in Hamamatsu-city assembly.

I experienced this program for about one month.

This was so fresh memory!! City assembly was unknown place for me.

I am studying policy, but city assemply was practical place for study.

I did internship like an aide of a assembly member of Hamamatsu-city.

I acted with young assembly member, he was so young, 27 years old!

Job of assembly member were so many and various, for example: attend regular assemblies, local activity where they take charge of, study about municipal city goverment or social problem, inspection... so many!!

Before this intern, I had an image that assembly members are just come it over to citizens.

After this, my image destroyed so much.

They did hard working.

They worked so desperately for better life of citizens.

They looks so busy and tried to seek out best ways for people.

Many people depends in assembly memebers, and members come through with them.

I really respect them.

This experience was so precious in this summer memory.

Thank you for your reading.

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