Monday, September 21, 2009

Gulliver's Travels

Hello, this is Shiori from EDC1.
I've just finished reading my second book.
The title of the book is "Gulliver's Travels".
I have read of this when I was in elementally school but I didn't know that Gulliver has visited three countries. For example Giant's and Horse's country.
Unfortunately in this book there was two story, the Little's and Giant's.
I've heard that Mr. Sheehan has taught about in his Eigogaku-gairon class.
I'll love to take his class next year and get know more about this story.
Hope all of you would not get a flu.
See you.

1 comment:

asae said...

Hi Shiori.
I had just heard title this book, but I never read.
I want to read this book.
I guess original book must be too long to read :)
Thank you.