Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hi, everyone. This is Yumika from EDC1.

We had an event on August 3rd at my university. This event is related to Brazil and Japan's immigrant 100th anniversary project.

In this event, Brazilian pupils and Japanese pupils did a game and painting.

They are so energetic and cheerful.

Brazilian students and Japanese student were painting well together.

They are good at paint. The painting is so big and it is so great and beautiful.

We had a great time with them.

On this month, we will have one more event that Brazilian junior high school students and we make Brazilian dishes and Japanese dishes . I am looking forward that event, too.

1 comment:

Thomas Pals said...

Hi Yumika,

It was sooo hot that day for open campus and your event. I am glad you guys had a successful time. It looks like everyone had fun.

Good job!