Saturday, August 25, 2007

Eina as a hotel staff

Hi, it's me~~~~~~(^^♪

Nobue, Asami, and Yumiko, you all enjoy your summer.
That's great!!

Now, I'm on a training as a hotel staff at Okura Act City Hotel.
I have a happy news today.

Today, it's seventh day to me, the customer gave me 1000yen for the service that they got!!!!!!
I was so surprised because I'm still on a training and I get to know how to help customers go to their room with their luggage and explain how to use their room in a few days. The service that I can give customers should not be perfect.

However, the customers that gave me a tip were satisfied with the service. This is the happiest thing to me!! You know???

I'm sure this is the job that I wanna get in the future.

Do you have a dream??

See ya!!

1 comment:

suac edc students said...

You had a great job♪♪
You will be a good hotel woman☆
When will you finish it?

Do your best♪
